Organic Bay Lime & Ginger Gin 750ml
- Certified Organic
This gin is refreshingly smooth and uses the classic flavours of lime and ginger to curb your taste buds. The ginger adds spice and is complemented by the rich notes of angelica and burdock roots.
The coriander and junipers form the classic gin base, while the lime citrus tang adds a refreshing twist of 'afternoon bliss', making this gin one for the collection.
Tasting Notes for Organic Bay Lime & Ginger
This gin is refreshingly smooth and uses the classic flavours of lime and ginger to curb your taste buds. The ginger adds spice and is complemented by the rich notes of angelica and burdock roots.
The coriander and junipers form the classic gin base, while the lime citrus tang adds a refreshing twist of 'afternoon bliss', making this gin one for the collection.
Wine Type | Spirits |
Region | Australia |
Volume | 700mL |
Packaging | Glass Bottle |
Closure | Cork Stopper |
Country of Origin | Australia |
Alcohol % | 40.0 |
Alcohol Level | Spirits [25% and above] |
Calories from alcohol per 100mL | 224 |
Residual Sugar g/L | ≈ 2 |
Sugar Level | Dry [0-4 g/L] |
Sugar (g) per 100mL | less than 1 |
Calories from sugar per 100mL | 0 |
Total Calories per 100mL | 224 |
Calorie Level per 100mL | Above Average [90 and above] |
Certified Organic | Yes |
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