Organic Bay Gin Raspberry & Aniseed 100ml

    This is a gin like no other. It is indulgent, smooth and dreamy all in one. The notes of aniseed, fennel and sarsaparilla create warmth, and the earthy tones of angelica root, coriander seeds and junipers add a subtle bitter layer to the taste. Meanwhile, the sweet hint of raspberry perfectly balances these sharper notes to create a bespoke flavoured gin that oozes into a warm delight.

    This gin was recently awarded a Bronze medal at the Australian Gin Awards 2021.

    We recommend pairing with FeverTree Mediterrean or FeverTree Elderflower if you're wanting a more floral note.

    $17.00 each

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    This is a gin like no other. It is indulgent, smooth and dreamy all in one. The notes of aniseed, fennel and sarsaparilla create warmth, and the earthy tones of angelica root, coriander seeds and junipers add a subtle bitter layer to the taste. Meanwhile, the sweet hint of raspberry perfectly balances these sharper notes to create a bespoke flavoured gin that oozes into a warm delight

    (SKU: OB_Gin100mL_Rasp_1)

    Gin Choice Raspberry & Aniseed

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